LogiIKTram at UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2023

From June 4 to 7 the UITP Summit will take place in Barcelona. As part of the Karlsruhe Mobility Lab of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion, the possibilities of LogIKTram for the optimized utilization of existing transport infrastructure for the logistics sector will be presented at booth 6D248. The exhibited demonstrator will show how a possible combination of passenger and freight transport can look like.
The UITP – Union Internationale des Transports Publics (International Association of Public Transport) – has been a hub and exchange point for industry, transport research, transport associations and operators as well as funders in the field of public transport for over 135 years. In addition to a trade fair with 380 exhibitors, the summit program offers 85 exchange sessions and contributions from 300 speakers.
More details on the UITP Summit and the program can be found at https://uitpsummit.org/. Further Information about the Mobility Lab of the Karslruhe TechnologyRegion can be found at: https://technologieregion-karlsruhe.de/mobilitaet.